MGA-6000 Multi-Gas Analyzer
The MGA-6000 series multi-gas analyzer based on the tunable diodelaser absorption spectroscopy technology (TDLAS), suitable for variety of gases and process conditions. All interfaces and communication protocols in the instrument are standardized, which can be integrated with ot
About usBeijing Care Corporation Ltd.
The Beijing CareCorporationLtd. is a high-tech company, specializesin designing and manufacturing high quality gas analyzers for over 20 years, based on the tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy(TDLAS), off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA-ICOS), Gas Chromatography and flame ionization detectors technologies for a wide variety of gases, and forward-scattering technique for dust monitoring.We areyour reliable partner for intelligent systems and solutions, our analyzers are utilized in a variety of industriesand applicationsincluding energy and chemical industry, industrial process control, electronic gas, air separation plants, hydrogen fuel, environmental, aerospace,research etc.
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+86 138 1013 7340 -
+86 (10) 6240 3950
Room 920, Bldg 2, Yard 9, Lianqiaoer Street, Haidian District, 100095 Beijing China